Introducing your AMTA-Nebraska Impact Makers
Last year's Member of the Month spotlight has now merged into a spotlight that introduces your chapter's Impact Makers. We want to highlight all of the hard working therapists across from all parts of this great state!
This month's Impact maker is Becky Ohlson of Lincoln, Nebraska,
Here's is the info you should know about Becky!
LMT years: 21
AMTA years: 20
Impacting the profession for how many years: 7
Business: Currently self-employed, Preventive Health Massage. I work in my home which gives me ability to adapt to my family’s busy schedule.
My family consists of my husband, Greg, and two kids: Sam (13) and Anna (10), and a cat, Midnight. Sam is active with basketball, football, and baseball and middle school activities. Anna is always creating new craft projects and loves to learn about music, pottery, painting, animals, and loves being around her friends. We have the full spectrum of kid activities which keep us moving! My husband’s job takes him out of town one to two days out of the week, which the kids and I have gotten accustomed to, but can make some days/evenings a bit tricky.
What impact you bring to the chapter: Over the past seven years, I have brought my leadership skills of arranger, learner, input, includer, and achiever (Clifton StrengthsFinder, now CliftonStrengths) into practice for the chapter. I have learned more about our NE legislature and met senators and many others within the capital building. At the National meetings, I have met many great leaders in our field and now consider them friends. I also love seeing our state members and non-members get together and connect; we all can learn so much. The massage therapy industry has multiple levels of advancements that need stronger voices to propel forward. With AMTA, I am encouraged knowing that my voice and actions can help our industry reach new heights.
