Introducing AMTA-Member and current Secretary and Membership Maestro Chrys Whitmarsh of Omaha, NE one of this years Nebraska Chapter's IMPACT MAKERS
As a recap: Last year's Member of the Month spotlight has now merged into a spotlight that introduces your chapter's Impact Makers. We want to highlight all of the hard working therapists across from all parts of this great state! To be featured in one of our IMPACT MAKER posts visit, or email Honors and Awards Committee Chair Amber Fader
Here's is the info you should know about Chrys in his own words
LMT years: 8
AMTA years: 9 (How, you ask? I was a student member before getting my license!)
Impacting the profession for how many years: 1
Business: After spending much of my career as an independent contractor renting from existing businesses, I opened my solo practice, Living Within Your Soul Wellness & Bodywork in Omaha in 2021. I specialize in softer touch modalities and energy work while helping my clients live their best lives.
Family: I have three adult children, three grandbabies and a gaggle of nieces and nephews that I love to spoil rotten. I live in Bellevue with my 7 year old rescue pup, Fiona, her kitty brothers Bruce and Cooper and spend my free time in nature, painting, shooting photography and running my homemade dog treat business.
What impact you bring to the chapter: As a newer board member, I took on the role of secretary and have enjoyed learning the ins and outs of the organization. I recently took over as the membership chair and look forward to growing the engagement with our members across the state through outreach, events and education.