Even though it is the "off season" we are moving and shaking on the GR front. We are anxiously awaiting a public hearing date announcement for the proposed changes to Massage Therapy Regulations. As soon as we hear about it, we will let you know.
We are also working with our lobbyists and National GR team on possible proactive statute changes to help streamline the reciprocity and temporary licensure process and make the process clearer for the Massage Regulatory Board. We are in the very beginning stages of research to determine this is a possibility. Our goal is make the process easier, clearer, and more inviting while ensuring educational standards are upheld.
There are several legislative reviews this fall we are following closely. You can learn more about them on the bill tracker.
As you can see on the bill tracker, there are a lot of bills still on the list. This is because in Nebraska bills introduced in the long session (odd numbered years) roll over into the short session (even numbered years.) All bills die at the end of short session. New bills are still introduced in the short session, so new and old bills are "fair game" to move forward. So take a deep breath now, we will need all hands on deck in January!
Thank you for all you do to support the Government Relations Committee, your AMTA-NE Board, and Massage Therapy in Nebraska. You might get sick of hearing this, but I will never tire of saying it: We have the best membership in the nation. You ROCK!
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! - Helen Keller
Briana Cudly BS, LMT
GR Chair