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Updated: Feb 9

Today's call to action is one of gratitude! Today was the final reading of LB78 to update the definition of massage therapy in Nebraska and it passed with unanimous support of the legislature. The bill is not officially law yet, we are just waiting on the governor's signature (no date yet but expect it will be very soon.)

What we are asking you to do today is to send two thank you emails.

  1. One email to Sen Day who introduced the bill and put in a lot of work to get it through the process. If you did not see the video of her wonderful speech on our facebook page, please go watch it now! It is rare we see this type of support of our profession presented at such a powerful platform anywhere in the country. Sen Day's email:

2. The second is to your own senator who voted to pass the bill as well. You can find your senator and their email address here


I am providing you with an outline of an email, but we want it to be a truly heartfelt thank you from you, not a copy/paste of everyone else's email. It needs to be short, sweet, and sincere. This is a simple email thanking them for supporting the profession of massage therapy and all of Nebraska's licensed massage therapists by passing LB78.

Use this to help you write a quick message

Hello Sen___ my name is ___. I live in ___(your town)__.

I am a Nebraska Licensed massage therapist and I am writing to thank you for supporting me, my peers, and my profession with your vote to pass LB78.

Add personal reasoning here. 

Thank you again for supporting me and my profession.

Warmest Regards

My Name


One again, thank you for your participation in our call to actions. This would not and could not happen without your involvement!


New Definition of Massage Therapy in Nebraska: (new parts highlighted)

Section 38-1706 Massage therapy means a health care service involving the physical, mechanical, or electrical manipulation of soft tissue for the therapeutic purposes or to enhance wellness and may include the use of oil, salt glows, heat lamps, and hydrotherapy. Massage therapy does not include diagnosis or treatment or use of procedures for which a license to practice medicine or surgery, chiropractic, or podiatry is required nor the use of microwave diathermy, shortwave diathermy, ultrasound, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, electrical stimulation of over thirty-five volts, neurological hyperstimulation, or spinal and joint adjustments.

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