LB347 has been slated for debate on the floor as early as Tuesday January 21, 2020.
This is our last chance to keep the bill from becoming law. We need your help to prevent this from passing by contacting YOUR STATE SENATOR today. Go to this link, input your address, and it will tell you your senator and contact information. We have a rubric to help you write an email here and a call script below. Then invite your clients, friends, family, bosses, coworkers, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals to do the same.
This bill is seeking to pull reflexology from the umbrella of massage therapy and deregulate it all together - no licensure, voluntary certification, no over site. You can read the introduced copy of the bill here.
We are opposed to this bill because:
1. Reflexology as defined, falls within Nebraska Massage Therapy Practice Act definition of massage therapy
2. Reflexology is a specialty modality of Massage Therapy, Chiropractic, Podiatry, Nursing and other healthcare professions
3. Reflexology affects all body systems. Knowledge and understanding of all these systems is needed to understand the complexities of treatment and results.
4. As other state are unfortunately experiencing, no regulation or oversight of reflexology leaves the public with no protection from harmful or fraudulent services. Several states, including NV, WA, NC and MA, have seen substantial increase in illicit business and human trafficking associated with the unregulated reflexology businesses.
5. The members of the Technical Review Committee, Nebraska State Board of Health, and Director of Division of Public Health unanimously recommended against the proposal that reflexology be removed from the massage therapy law and scope of practice during the Credentialing Review Process conducted in 2017-2018.
Let's educate our senators about massage therapy and modalities. This really is a learning opportunity for them. It is easy to assume things when you don't know what you don't know. Keep up the good work!
We may be small, but we are mighty!
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. (H. Keller)
TEAMWORK: A few harmless flakes working together to unleash an avalanche of destruction. (Justin Sewell)