Friday was a long day in Lincoln. Hearings for LB507 and 508 (taxing massage a a personal service unless prescribed by a doctor) were last on the schedule. There were 5 bills heard, and ours were the last two.
I spoke twice in front of the Revenue Committee, once for each bill. I was the only one to stick around to give a second testimony for 508, and boy am I glad I did! There was good discussion after testimony surrounding massage therapy. Sen. Crawford flat out stated Massage Therapy is licensed healthcare through DHHS. Sen Kolterman spoke eloquently and fondly of massage as direct access healthcare and stated it shouldn't be taxed. Sen Groene told us at the hearings for 314 & 497 he holds massage in high regard as a healthcare profession. Now we wait, make some more phone calls and write some more letters. Thank you to everyone supporting us with your participation.
Coming up:
March 20th - Reflexology Hearing LB347 - opposed
March 27- Mobile Massage Establishment Hearing LB244 - proponent.
