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Volunteers meet Together in KC

Your AMTA- Nebraska elected volunteers made the drive south to Kansas City and gathered with other chapter volunteers across the country, for the 2022 June Planning and Training meeting June 2nd and 3rd. Below are some highlight photos from the event, including some of the most delicious food Kansas City had to offer.

June Planning and Training Meeting Recap.

June 2nd:

This 2 day training and planning meeting kicked off Thursday with opening keynote by Valerie Kondos Field.

Valerie Kondos Field, often referred to as Miss Val, is a retired American gymnastics coach. She was the head coach of the UCLA Bruins gymnastics team of the University of California, Los Angeles from 1991 to 2019, leading the Bruins to seven national championship titles

Her message focused on her definitions of leadership and success, and challenged us going forward to “Choreograph your own life, one intentional choice at a time”

During the breakout sessions later that afternoon our volunteers learned more about how to utilize the AMTA National Volunteer Hub for more effective communication that connects many other states volunteers from across the country.

Another breakout session explored how we can effectively communicate to our members on topics such as, filling chapter volunteer positions, getting involved local governmental issues, and great ways to effectively communicate other needs of the chapter.

June 3rd:

Day 2

AMTA Executive Director Bill Brown offered up some inspiring morning messages to start day 2

"to me the year 2022 is the year of the volunteer and their dedication to strengthening our association"

The rest of Day 2 was all about Engaging the new Volunteer with Smarter Strategies led by Tobi Johnson, MA, CVA.

Tobi explained that in order to increase volunteer participation: Volunteers need resources, support and a positive culture. So the question then stands. How can we make Volunteering easier not harder? This is a question we as a board have been struggling with as of late.

Tobi challenged us to envision and diversify a new volunteer Ecosystem with a 5 step process on how to think about, and craft messages towards engaging more members.

Concepts such as making the ask for very small tasks, for 1 time and 1 day to let members get there volunteer feet wet. Tasks don't have to become a part-time gig.

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